(This post is coauthored by Alexander Thomson and Daniel Abadi)
In the last decade, database technology has arguably progressed furthest along the scalability dimension. There have been hundreds of research papers, dozens of open-source projects, and numerous startups attempting to improve the scalability of database technology. Many of these new technologies have been extremely influential---some papers have earned thousands of citations, and some new systems have been deployed by thousands of enterprises.
So let's ask a simple question: If all these new technologies are so scalable, why on earth are Oracle and DB2 still on top of the TPC-C standings? Go to the TPC-C Website with the top 10 results in raw transactions per second. As of today (May 16th, 2012), Oracle 11g is used for 3 of the results (including the top result), 10g is used for 2 of the results, and the rest of the top 10 is filled with various versions of DB2. How is technology designed decades ago still dominating TPC-C? What happened to all these new technologies with all these scalability claims?
The surprising truth is that these new DBMS technologies are not listed in theTPC-C top ten results not because that they do not care enough to enter, but rather because they would not win if they did.
To understand why this is the case, one must understand that scalability does not come for free. Something must be sacrificed to achieve high scalability. Today, there are three major categories of tradeoff that can be exploited to make a system scale. The new technologies basically fall into two of these categories; Oracle and DB2 fall into a third. And the later parts of this blog post describes research from our group at Yale that introduces a fourth category of tradeoff that provides a roadmap to end the dominance of Oracle and DB2.
These categories are:
(1) Sacrifice ACID for scalability. Our previous post on this topic discussed this in detail. Basically we argue that a major class of new scalable technologies fall under the category of "NoSQL" which achieves scalability by dropping ACID guarantees, thereby allowing them to eschew two phase locking, two phase commit, and other impediments to concurrency and processor independence that hurt scalability. All of these systems that relax ACID are immediately ineligible to enter the TPC-C competition since ACID guarantees are one of TPC-C's requirements. That's why you don't see NoSQL databases in the TPC-C top 10---they are immediately disqualified.
(2) Reduce transaction flexibility for scalability. There are many so-called"NewSQL" databases that claim to be both ACID-compliant and scalable. And these claims are true---to a degree. However, the fine print is that they are only linearly scalable when transactions can be completely isolated to a single "partition" or "shard" of data. While these NewSQL databases often hide the complexity of sharding from the application developer, they still rely on the shards to be fairly independent. As soon as a transaction needs to span multiple shards (e.g., update two different user records on two different shards in the same atomic transaction), then these NewSQL systems all run into problems. Some simply reject such transactions. Others allow them, but need to perform two phase commit or other agreement protocols in order to ensure ACID compliance (since each shard may fail independently). Unfortunately, agreement protocols such as two phase commit come at a great scalability cost (see our 2010 paper that explains why). Therefore, NewSQL databases only scale well if multi-shard transactions (also called "distributed transactions" or "multi-partition transactions") are very rare. Unfortunately for these databases, TPC-C models a fairly reasonable retail application where customers buy products and the inventory needs to be updated in the same atomic transaction. 10% of TPC-C New Order transactions involve customers buying products from a "remote" warehouse, which is generally stored in a separate shard. Therefore, even for basic applications like TPC-C, NewSQL databases lose their scalability advantages. That's why the NewSQL databases do not enter TPC-C results --- even just 10% of multi-shard transactions causes their performance to degrade rapidly.
(3) Trade cost for scalability. If you use high end hardware, it is possible to get stunningly high transactional throughput using old database technologies that don't have shared-nothing horizontally scalability. Oracle tops TPC-C with an incredibly high throughput of 500,000 transactions per second. There exists no application in the modern world that produces more than 500,000 transactions per second (as long as humans are initiating the transactions---machine-generated transactions are a different story). Therefore, Oracle basically has all the scalability that is needed for human scale applications. The only downside is cost---the Oracle system that is able to achieve 500,000 transactions per second costs a prohibitive $30,000,000!
Since the first two types of tradeoffs are immediate disqualifiers for TPC-C, the only remaining thing to give up is cost-for-scale, and that's why the old database technologies are still dominating TPC-C. None of these new technologies can handle both ACID and 10% remote transactions.
A fourth approach...
TPC-C is a very reasonable application. New technologies should be able to handle it. Therefore, at Yale we set out to find a new dimension in this tradeoff space that could allow a system to handle TPC-C at scale without costing $30,000,000. Indeed, we are presenting a paper next week at SIGMOD (see the full paper) that describes a system that can achieve 500,000 ACID-compliant TPC-C New Order transactions per second using commodity hardware in the cloud. The cost to us to run these experiments was less than $300 (of course, this is renting hardware rather than buying, so it's hard to compare prices --- but still --- a factor of 100,000 less than $30,000,000 is quite large).
Calvin, our prototype system designed and built by a large team of researchers at Yale that include Thaddeus Diamond, Shu-Chun Weng, Kun Ren, Philip Shao, Anton Petrov, Michael Giuffrida, and Aaron Segal (in addition to the authors of this blog post), explores a tradeoff very different from the three described above. Calvin requires all transactions to be executed fully server-side and sacrifices the freedom to non-deterministically abort or reorder transactions on-the-fly during execution. In return, Calvin gets scalability, ACID-compliance, and extremely low-overhead multi-shard transactions over a shared-nothing architecture. In other words, Calvin is designed to handle high-volume OLTP throughput on sharded databases on cheap, commodity hardware stored locally or in the cloud. Calvin significantlyimproves the scalability over our previous approach to achieving determinism in database systems.
Scaling ACID
The key to Calvin's strong performance is that it reorganizes the transaction execution pipeline normally used in DBMSs according to the principle: do all the "hard" work before acquiring locks and beginning execution. In particular, Calvin moves the following stages to the front of the pipeline:
- Replication. In traditional systems, replicas agree on each modification to database state only after some transaction has made the change at some "master" replica. In Calvin, all replicas agree in advance on the sequence of transactions that they will (deterministically) attempt to execute.
- Agreement between participants in distributed transactions. Database systems traditionally use two-phase commit (2PC) to handle distributed transactions. In Calvin, every node sees the same global sequence of transaction requests, and is able to use this already-agreed-upon information in place of a commit protocol.
- Disk accesses. In our VLDB 2010 paper, we observed that deterministic systems performed terribly in disk-based environments due to holding locks for the 10ms+ duration of reading the needed data from disk, since they cannot reorder conflicting transactions on the fly. Calvin gets around this setback by prefetching into memory all records that a transaction will need during the replication phase---before locks are even acquired.
As a result, each transaction's user-specified logic can be executed at each shard with an absolute minimum of runtime synchronization between shards or replicas to slow it down, even if the transaction's logic requires it to access records at multiple shards. By minimizing the time that locks are held, concurrency can be greatly increased, thereby leading to near-linear scalability on a commodity cluster of machines.
Strongly consistent global replication
Calvin's deterministic execution semantics provide an additional benefit: replicating transactional input is sufficient to achieve strongly consistent replication. Since replicating batches of transaction requests is extremely inexpensive and happens before the transactions acquire locks and begin executing, Calvin's transactional throughput capacity does not depend at all on its replication configuration.
In other words, not only can Calvin can run 500,000 transactions per second on 100 EC2 instances in Amazon's US East (Virginia) data center, it can maintain strongly-consistent, up-to-date 100-node replicas in Amazon's Europe (Ireland) and US West (California) data centers---at no cost to throughput.
Calvin accomplishes this by having replicas perform the actual processing of transactions completely independently of one another, maintaining strong consistency without having to constantly synchronize transaction results between replicas. (Calvin's end-to-end transaction latency does depend on message delays between replicas, of course---there is no getting around the speed of light.)
Flexible data model
So where does Calvin fall in the OldSQL/NewSQL/NoSQL trichotomy?
Actually, nowhere. Calvin is not a database system itself, but rather a transaction scheduling and replication coordination service. We designed the system to integrate with any data storage layer, relational or otherwise. Calvin allows user transaction code to access the data layer freely, using any data access language or interface supported by the underlying storage engine (so long as Calvin can observe which records user transactions access). The experiments presented in the paper use a custom key-value store. More recently, we've hooked Calvin up to Google's LevelDB and added support for SQL-based data access within transactions, building relational tables on top of LevelDB's efficient sorted-string storage.
From an application developer's point of view, Calvin's primary limitation compared to other systems is that transactions must be executed entirely server-side. Calvin has to know in advance what code will be executed for a given transaction. Users may pre-define transactions directly in C++, or submit arbitrary Python code snippets on-the-fly to be parsed and executed as transactions.
For some applications, this requirement of completely server-side transactions might be a difficult limitation. However, many applications prefer to execute transaction code on the database server anyway (in the form of stored procedures), in order to avoid multiple round trip messages between the database server and application server in the middle of a transaction.
If this limitation is acceptable, Calvin presents a nice alternative in the tradeoff space to achieving high scalability without sacrificing ACID or multi-shard transactions. Hence, we believe that ourSIGMOD paper may present a roadmap for overcoming the scalability dominance of the decades-old database solutions on traditional OLTP workloads. We look forward to debating the merits of this approach in the weeks ahead (and Alex will be presenting the paper at SIGMOD next week).