There was one NoSQL conference that I’ve missed and I was really pissed off: Hadoop World. Even if I’ve followed and curated the Twitter feed, resulting in Hadoop World in tweets, the feeling of not being there made me really sad. But now, thanks to Cloudera I’ll be able to watch most of the presentations. Many of them have already been published and the complete list can be found ☞ here.
Based on the twitter activity on that day, I’ve selected below the ones that seemed to have generated most buzz. The list contains names like Facebook, Twitter, eBay, Yahoo!, StumbleUpon, comScore, Mozilla, AOL. And there are quite a few more …
HBase in production at Facebook
Presented by Jonathan Gray (Facebook)
HBase in Production at Facebook, Jonathan Gray, Facebook
The Hadoop Ecosystem at Twitter
Presented by Kevin Weil (Twitter)
The Hadoop Ecosystem at Twitter, Kevin Weil, Twitter
Hadoop at eBay
Presented by Anil Madan (eBay)
Hadoop at eBay, Anil Madan, eBay
View more presentations from Cloudera, Inc..
A Fireside Chat: Using Hadoop to Tackle Big Data at comScore
Presented by Martin Hall (Karmasphere) and Will Duckworth (comScore)
A Fireside Chat: Using Hadoop to Tackle Big Data at comScore, Martin Hall, Karmasphere and Will Duckworth, comScore
ScaleIn Collecting and Querying Log Data in Near Real-time
Presented by Anurag Phadke (Firefox)
ScaleIn Collecting and Querying Log Data in Near Real-time, Anurag Phadke, Firefox
AOL’s Data Layer
Presented by Ian Holsman (AOL)
AOL’s Data Layer, Ian Holsman, AOL
Hadoop Based Intelligent Text Information Processing System
Presented by Vaijanath Rao (AOL) and Rohini Uppuluri (AOL)
Intelligent Text Information Processing System, Vaijanath Rao and Rohini Uppuluri, AOL
Mixing Real-Time Needs and Batch Processing: How StumbleUpon Built an Advertising Platform using HBase and Hadoop
Presented by Jean-Daniel Cryans (StumbleUpon)
Mixing Real-Time Needs and Batch Processing: How StumbleUpon Built an Advertising Platform using HBase and Hadoop, Jean-Daniel C
Hadoop at Yahoo! Ready for Business
Presented by Arun C. Murthy (Yahoo!)
Hadoop at Yahoo! Ready for Business, Arun C. Murthy, Yahoo!
Apache ZooKeeper at Yahoo!
Presented by Mahadev Konar (Yahoo!)
Apache ZooKeeper at Yahoo!, Mahadev Konar, Yahoo
And having in mind names like Bank of America, Orbitz, CME, Infochimps, sematext, I bet you can find ☞ many more. So, I guess now we have videos for at least a few days.
Thanks Cloudera!
Original title and link: Videos from Hadoop World (NoSQL databases © myNoSQL)
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